わたしのことすき? ねぇ、キスしようか?




Today is the day when all things end
Today is the day I wish to have a fresh start

I was lazy
I was lost

All I was doing is to dream
to forget
the reality

I cannot bare this anymore
It suffocates me
I cant cry
I cant lie
to myself

This is it...



I hate you for knowing my name
I hate you for trying to know me

I rather be alone than being with anyone
I been in a relationship but I know
I know I better off being by myself
at this empty room
fill with thoughts



you just cant recreate things that has gone

Looking at your pass and think
If you could do it better
...or choosing the other way if possible

Like throwing a rock into a pond
It won't change anything
You only splash your self all over
and regret the fact you tried

I let go one and another one came up at me
at my most vulnerable moment

...I do not know how long again for this one to go
...to leave me at peace